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Cafitesse Excellence Compact

Automatic flushing

There is some water coming out of the machine.

There is hot water coming out of your Cafitesse Excellence Compact. This is nothing to worry about. If you make a milky beverage, the coffee machine will automatically flush the pipes with water 30 minutes later. We call this "CleanFlush". This keeps the pipes clean at all times. This means that the Cafitesse Excellence Compact fulfils the strict HACCP (food safety) requirements. That is why the CleanFlush cannot be disabled.

There is hot water coming out of your Cafitesse Excellence Compact. This is nothing to worry about. If you make a milky beverage, the coffee machine will automatically flush the pipes with water 30 minutes later. We call this "CleanFlush". This keeps the pipes clean at all times. This means that the Cafitesse Excellence Compact fulfils the strict HACCP (food safety) requirements. That is why the CleanFlush cannot be disabled.